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4th Sep

EMC Corporate Finance is delighted to have assisted Water Wellbeing Ltd (WWL) with the sale of its hydration business to Zip UK, part of the global Culligan Group, for an undisclosed sum. Known to most of its customers as Edgars Water, the Marden, Kent-headquartered company is perfectly positioned to build on its position in the UK bottled and Point of Use (POU) water sector.

WWL’s Simon Edgar will stay with the company to oversee its ongoing development. He said: “Edgar’s Water enjoys an enviable position in London and the South and the whole team is looking forward to building upon that as we move forward with Zip UK and as a part of the Culligan Group.”

Part of the transaction included the demerger of the company’s Wellbeing People operations with its sale to the newly formed Wellbeing People Ltd under the direction of its founder and MD Ben McGannan.

Ben commented: “The journey of building our water hydration business over the past 20 years has been an exciting time for all of us.  During the latter years the Wellbeing People operations have evolved to require their own specific focus as they are scaled up, and the sale and demerger into Wellbeing People Ltd will provide that going forward.”

He added “the whole process was an enormous undertaking and we could not have done it without the help of EMC.  Nobody should underestimate what might be involved when deciding to sell their business and having the right experts around you is essential. Terry Rainback, Nik Askaroff and the EMC team were there for us from the start to drive, guide and support through all of the twists and turns along the way.”

The EMC team was led by Terry Rainback who said: “Pulling together a multi-faceted transaction is always a challenge but all the more satisfying when it comes together. It’s great to know that Edgars Water and Wellbeing People are both powering ahead with exciting plans for their futures.”

The EMC Corporate Finance team comprised Terry Rainback, Nik Askaroff, Michael Gibbs and Luke Soper.

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