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IoD Sussex – Management buy-outs and other Private Equity Deals

Date & time: 19th October 2017 07:30 – 10:00
Location: Malmaison Brighton , Brighton

The final in a three part series on mergers and acquisitions:

Management buy-outs and other Private Equity Deals

Growth Capital, Development Capital , MBO’s, MBI’s and BIMBO’s – just a few of the ways that Private Equity invests in Companies. Management Buy-Outs (MBO’s) are a key component in many succession plans, but is your business right for it and is it right for you? What does it mean for the business and does it work. In the final part of this three part series you will learn from people who have run Private Equity backed businesses and now make a living from advising Companies on Private Equity.

Michael Pay is a Director of EMC Corporate Finance Limited leading the Sell Side Team and the Private Equity Group. Over the past 25 years he has been advising businesses, Directors and owners on corporate strategy and Mergers and Acquisitions. 

Using his qualification as a Chartered Accountant and experience as a Finance Director, Michael’s first experience in Private Equity was in 1997 when he advised the management team on the purchase of Tanvec, backed by LDC. Subsequently he was Finance Director for Warth International, a Barclays Ventures backed business. In 2016 he worked with a £100m fund in identifying and approaching target investments.

Ross Christie is in charge of EMC Corporate Finance’s Post Acquisitions Team. He is responsible for identifying targets, negotiating deals and then integrating the businesses acquired into portfolio Companies. 

Together Michael and Ross will explain the Management Buy-Outs and how Private Equity works, helping to answer the question – is it right for your business?

Other events in the series will be:

To book your tickets please click here.

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